Spine Health
For our personal tree of life;
Here in 8 & Safe we believe everyone should keep their spine in a healthy condition, cultivate their tree of life.
Look Well to the Spine for the Cause of Disease

Scoliosis (Spinal Curve)
Scoliosis (spinal curvature) is a lateral curving of the spine that can affect people of all ages.
This disorder, which affects 2-4 percent of the population, might be present at birth or develop during infancy or adulthood. Scoliosis can cause a variety of health issues. In the treatment of scoliosis, brace treatment and surgery are both alternatives.
The actual causes of scoliosis are unknown. Scoliosis is not caused by carrying large bags, participating in certain sports, or having a bad posture, according to research. A hereditary propensity is thought to be the root of the problem. There are no precautions that may be taken to prevent scoliosis. Early detection of scoliosis, on the other hand, is critical for the treatment procedure.
Exercising on a daily basis, keeping back muscles strong, boosting physical fitness, and staying in shape are all essential components of scoliosis treatment and follow-up.
What is Scoliosis
Scoliosis (curve of the spine) is a right or left curvature of the spine that is not a sickness in and of itself, but rather a structural abnormality in an otherwise healthy spine. (See Figure 1)
Scoliosis can be caused by a variety of disorders and manifest itself in various locations of the spine.
Scoliosis treatment varies depending on the condition that causes it and the type of scoliosis. This means that although some patients' treatment follows its normal path, others may experience varied outcomes based on their attitude to the treatment and the type of scoliosis they have. During puberty, scoliosis progresses due to increasing growth. In other words, the spinal curve continues to expand.

The treatment for scoliosis varies depending on the condition that produced the scoliosis and the type of scoliosis that the individual has. In other words, in some patients, the treatment process takes a natural path, and in others, the reaction to therapy varies depending on the patient's response to treatment. Scoliosis develops and progresses throughout childhood and youth. As a result, the curvature of the spine continues to expand.
As a result of all of these factors, there is no one-size-fits-all treatment that can address all of these issues. Scoliosis treatment should vary from patient to patient and be based on a thorough review of the age at which the condition was discovered, the location and degree of the curve, physical examination findings, and radiologic study results. Scoliosis treatment is "individualized," to put it another way.
Although each treatment option varies depending on the specific patient, there are generally three therapy options available once a patient is diagnosed with scoliosis. The first option is follow up, which is appropriate for curves less than 20 degrees and entails checking in at regular intervals, participating in sports, and improving overall physical condition. Scoliosis-specific physical therapy exercises may be beneficial. These workouts, however, need precise timing. Exercising too early in the child's life can lead to frustration. When this happens, the child may not desire to make exercises at later ages when there is rapid growth and the exercises are really needed.
The second alternative is to use a brace. This is useful in patients who have a growth potential and have curves ranging from 20 to 40 degrees. The early phase results of a multicentric study conducted in the United States and Canada were released in 2013. Patients who used braces had a lower rate of surgery than those who did not use braces, according to the findings. In other words, patients who use braces have a lesser chance of needing surgery. Based on these preliminary findings, the trial was halted, and all patients were advised to wear braces. It was discovered that wearing the brace for 20-23 hours a day was necessary for adequate efficacy.
Surgical therapy is another possibility. Curves greater than 40-45 degrees are frequently considered needing surgery. Correction and fusion operations are performed on teenagers and adults who have completed their lung development. Because the movement of the vertebrae incorporated into the fusion would be limited, a thorough preoperative evaluation and planning is required to achieve the best results while operating on the fewest levels possible.

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